
A few years ago, I read the book, "13 Reasons Why". I don't recommend this book for everyone and I have never seen the series and really don't plan on it. However, I enjoyed the book a lot and it was a big eye opener. I came away with a better understanding of what simple little things could do for and to a person.

My background: I pretty much grew up as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and lived in Utah my whole life. I served a mission for the church when I was 19 and married in the temple. We have raised our kids in the Church and so far they are still mostly "active". I put that in quotes because life for them has been hard and they have felt little love from members of the Church.

Even though my kids are still active, they have been through a lot of things and looking at them as a parent, I can see why some people would not want to stay in the Church. I can see times where it doesn't start out by losing a testimony, but the more you go through, the more you question and doubt.

I wanted to put these things out here so others would know they are not alone as well as maybe we can see how little things could add up. The names on these thoughts are changed, but most of them have happened to my kids (which is a lot for a teen to handle).

To clarify, I am not a perfect parent or perfect member of the Church. Also, these things are strictly one sided. I also know that my kids are not perfect and have made mistakes and probably hurt others as well. But I hope you can see through all of this and understand how it must feel to go through them.

If you have had experiences you would like to bring out, please drop me an email. I would love to hear from others.
