The Lost Sheep Right Next to You

It has been nearly a full year since my son last attended his Ward. He lives in an apartment on the campus of a university that he is attending.  A few months ago, at the beginning of this school year, he changed apartments and roommates. 

My question is; how is it that no one from the Ward has reached out to him? His address changed and isn’t correct in the Church’s system; but he still lives in the same building and has the same phone number. One of his new roommates is a member. I don’t know if this new roommate goes to this Ward or not. But he very well could.

My son has gone a few times to his sister’s Ward on Sunday and a few of the FHE activities as she goes to the same school, but lives in a different apartment.  Funny though, no one from that Ward has wondered who he is either. Last school year, he attended a different Ward here or there. One time they asked him if he would help with the Sacrament; he told them he wasn’t a member (yes, he lied).  “Wow, what a great opportunity”, I think they would be thinking. But no. They just said, “OK” and left him to sit there alone for the rest of the meeting.

Funny how he somehow just flies under everyone’s radar.  Now someone from his Ward may have reached out to him and we, his parents, just don’t know.  However, it is quite possible that he really hasn’t had anyone contact him at all.

Now, I get it; we are talking about a Singles Ward on a college campus. But really, how many times have each of us missed the lost sheep that we pass in the hall, that we see sitting by themselves in class or that is our neighbor and doesn’t attend any church activities?
