Covid and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

What a year it has been; earthquakes, coronavirus, black lives matter, killer bees, killer mosquitos, etc. Wow, I don’t want to know what comes next. But let’s just say with all of these things, anxieties have increased, and hatred/anger has appeared.

Let’s just focus for now on COVID 19. I was impressed how the Church reacted quickly to the virus. They closed temples and then local church meetings as well as limited missionaries and actually brought some missionaries home. These steps were necessary to make sure “we” weren’t part of the virus spread. However, after 3 months, what do we do now. Well over the last month, we have seen the Church reopen temples for certain ceremonies and now some local church buildings are opening up. I am concerned by this action. I don’t think we are quite ready for this. My local ward started last Sunday. They have divided the ward up into 4 groups; each will rotate Sundays. They are encouraging members to social distance, sit with families and wear face coverings. I am not sure why we as a state and/or church are just encouraging people to wear face coverings. We have heard every health organization over the last month indicate that face coverings will help greatly reduce the chance of spreading the virus. If this is the case and we want our members to be safe, why would we not require them? Our state is now strongly encouraging because they have seen when leaving it up to the people, that they aren’t taking it seriously. So now, instead or encouraging them, we are strongly encouraging them. I don’t think “strongly” is going to change too many views. Granted I didn’t go last week, and I am not how soon I will be going back. We heard from a clerk in the Stake Presidency, that it wasn’t actually the decision to open up; they were instructed to do so by the Area authorities.  He said it was funny though, because the “actual” cleaning supplies that will be used between groups won’t be here until a few weeks later. Why? That should be a key to say, no let’s wait until we have what we needed? But no, it sounds like the church is too worried about losing members as they stay away from the church than actually losing lives from this earth.

OK, now let’s talk about views around this and how members have acted. Our extended families have definitely been at odds over this mask thing. Some say that they will not wear a mask, and nobody should force them. It is taking away their freedom. But others say you need to wear a mask because it limits the spread and protects others. Same discussions that are going on all over the country. I just don’t understand as the proof is everywhere that if we want to get through this, then this is what needs to happen. My nephew tested positive right before he was to go out on his mission. That hasn't stopped him from seeing his friends as one other tested positive too. He posted the other day of him and his friend going to visit some girls as the "social distanced".  I thought when you tested positive that you were suppose to self quarantine, but I guess not. Wow, this MTC  online thing is great. Have a few classes and then hang out with all your buddies and girls. My experience in the MTC wasn't anything like that (haha).My wife and I went for a walk the other night and ran into a family of one of the Stake Presidents (he wasn’t there, just his wife and a couple daughters).  After talking with them, we could easily tell which side they were on. She said, if you want to wear a mask, then go ahead, but if you don’t want to, then don’t. We also told her that during our Red advisory, where we should stay inside and shop only for essentials and only be with members of your family who live in your home; that our daughter had been asked out a couple times but had to say no because of COVID. Her reply was, that she would have just gone on the date. OK, so what kind of people are we. Are we the kind of people who are our brother’s keeper and try to do what is best for others or do we just do what is best for us? Are we the kind of people who obey, honor and sustain the law or just the laws that we want to? I just don’t know what do to anymore. I am having a hard time believing that, we as members of the Church, are really following the Savior’s example. I know a lot of people will tell me that I shouldn’t judge; and I agree that it is not my place. I can decide who I feel is an example of who I want to be like and who I think are people I want to be around.
