So this post isn't about situations my kids have gone through, this is about me. In person church was cancelled starting in March for our area and then a form was started again in June. However, because of different situations, I still have not been back yet. We have been blessed with the changes that have allowed us to participate from home and listen in to the Sacrament meeting portion as well as join into Sunday School, Relief Society and Elders quorums every week. While we have participated with the Ward this way, I am still blown away that nobody really has checked in to see if we are alright. Home Teachers/ Ministers, we all know are not the best to reach out. I have heard from one of our ministers a couple times. But that was just because I texted them to see if their family was doing ok or if they needed anything (they are older and have medical conditions that could cause issues with COVID). Our Bishop and 1st Counselor live very close to us. And we saw the 1st Counselor a couple times while we were out for a walk during the summer and said hi as we passed. Maybe I am wrong, but I would have thought that the leadership would be checking in on families a bit, especially the ones that haven't been back to the chapel for services. I guess I am wrong though.


  1. Well I guess we are the "project" family. With this week being our Ward Conference, the Stake likes to visit some of the less-active families. Well on Tuesday night we got a text asking if we were available for President SoAndSo to visit over zoom. Reluctantly, we accepted. What else were we suppose to do? Well the "visit" with him and his wife was fine. But we did notice that they went through the standard check-off-list. Did either of you serve a mission? What calling do you have? Is this week your turn to attend in person? (our Ward is split in two so that it isn't too crowded so as to follow covid guidelines) Do you feel that having the sacrament at home has increased the spirit or made you appreciate it a little more? Anyway, the visit was fine. I'm just a little bitter that the Ward hasn't reached out to see how we are or why we aren't coming, but that the Stake can come in and find out what is going on.


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